The dance floor at restaurant and club Jack Rabbit Slim's in Pulp Fiction (above left), has a design painted on it that is reminiscent of HAL's eye (above right).
The 'imaginary' rectangle Mia has drawn during her conversation with Vincent in Pulp Fiction (above left), reminds us of the lighted border surrounding the lunar lander landing pad in 2001 (above right).
In Pulp Fiction, Mia's home security system control center, with its lights, panels, and monitors (above left), is reminiscent of the various cockpit panels shown in A Space Odyssey (e.g., those of the Pan Am space plane shown at above right).
The emergency adrenaline injection revival kit in Pulp Fiction (above left), is a reference to the emergency revival control modules attached to each of the hibernating astronauts' pods in 2001 (above right).