This post is a continuation of the list of miscellaneous observations on the movie that was begun in part 3 of the analysis (the first 3 items were listed in part 3; therefore, we will start our numbering here with number '4').
4) Early in the movie, during Starling's first interview of Lecter, Hannibal mentions to Clarice that one of the drawings he has created (while imprisoned), shown in the screencap at left, is the view of the Duomo from the Belvedere. The 'Duomo' Lecter's referring to is the Cathedral Church in Florence, Italy, the entire facade of which is dedicated to the Mother of Christ.[a] The name 'Belvedere' comes up again later in the movie: Serial killer Jame Gumb turns out to be living in the town of Belvedere, Ohio.
5) In an early scene in the film, in which Starling first shows up in Jack Craword's office, Clarice has 'V'-shaped sweat patterns on both the front and back of her sweat shirt (as shown in the above screencaps). The 'V' in this scene stands for 'virgin', and the audience is supposed to realize that at the start of the movie, Starling is a virgin in some sense. Another hint that she represents a virgin, is that she attended the University of Virginia.
a. Wikipedia, 'Florence Cathedral'. Web, n.d. URL =