Frank's montage-like photo depicts various places, persons, and events, from his past, present, and (desired) future life. The photo collects all these and presents them such that they are all 'here and now'.
Earlier in the analysis we observed that Frank is like a 'rat in a machine'; what this represents is that he is constricted in space. Whenever Frank goes driving, what is being represented is the idea that he is piloting an airplane which 'never takes off'; this in turn represents Frank's inability, in his current environment, to escape the bonds of Earth, i.e., to unshackle himself from the aforementioned space constriction.
Frank has constructed a montage depicting how he wants things to be in his life; and, as noted in the caption accompanying the screencap above, this montage has the effect of presenting all these things as coexisting in the 'here and now', i.e., all times and places co-exist at once. What is ultimately being represented is this: Frank desires to escape the constraints of ordinary space and time. This is to be accomplished by the act of committing his final robbery, and then 'retiring' and moving to California with Jessie and their baby.